So, I found out late in the game, (in bed when I should have been sleeping before work and not on twitter) about a fun reading challenge called The Reading Quest. In this challenge you can choose a character, and...
Title: Subway Stops and the places we meet (#2)
Author: Mindy Hayes and Michele C Miller
Release: February 26, 2017
Rating:★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pages: 405
Where to find it: Amazon | Bookdepository
Series: Yes
Format: Paperback
Summary: On...
It's a week late but it still counts. Been a crazy week. Another successful year at YallWest. It felt a lot bigger this year than the previous years. It also can be the factor that it was only just one day this year....
This will be the first Read-a-thon I have done, so my goal is to get as many books read more than check off all the challenges. That said, I have picked some books that DO cover some, if not most, of the challenges.
My goal was to try and do a review for every single book I would read this year. I come to realized that I wouldn't be able to do that. I have been reading to many books lately that it has been hard for me to write up a...
Another week in reading gone great. I also did a review of A Gathering of Shadows. I really need to put my self in a posting schedule. I am hoping to getting that down by the beginning of this week. So far I have been review...
Title: A Gathering of Shadows (#2)
Author: V.E. Schwab
Release: February 23, 2016
Rating:★ ★
Pages: 509
Where to find it: Amazon | Bookdepository
Series: Yes
Format: Hardcover
Summary: It has been four months since...
Welcome, come in and stay a spell. You like books, we have a whole pile of reviews over there with some of our favorites. (And least favorites) Comics? We have you covered! TV? Movies? They are piled in that corner to your left. Let’s see what else? The dog is friendly, the hot coffee is hot, and the discussions are free for you to jump into at any point. Hmmm - I think I got everything of importance. Just be aware of fangirl screaming, conflicting opinions between friends and a towering mountain of TBR books all along the east wall. I would stay clear of there for your own safety. Other than that, enjoy your visit, drop us a note, and let us know what you think or what you want to see us do more.