Title: The Fate of the Tearling (Tearling #3)
Author: Erika Johansen
Release: November 29, 2016
Rating:★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pages: 496
Where to find it: Amazon | Bookdepository
Series: Yes
Format: Hardcover
Summary: The thrilling conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Tearling trilogy. In less than a year, Kelsea Glynn has transformed from a gawky teenager into a powerful monarch. As she has come into her own as the Queen of the Tearling, the headstrong, visionary leader has also transformed her realm. In her quest to end corruption and restore justice, she has made many enemies—including the evil Red Queen, her fiercest rival, who has set her armies against the Tear. To protect her people from a devastating invasion, Kelsea did the unthinkable—she gave herself and her magical sapphires to her enemy—and named the Mace, the trusted head of her personal guards, Regent in her place. But the Mace will not rest until he and his men rescue their sovereign, imprisoned in Mortmesne. Now, as the suspenseful endgame begins, the fate of Queen Kelsea—and the Tearling itself—will finally be revealed. (goodreads)
What a book to start the new year. It's the end of a series that I have followed from the beginning and I completely loved it. Since it's the last book of the series I will not be discussing much about the plot line but I will be discussing some of the characters development. Which were so amazing! I was put off in reading this book from some ones strong comment on the ending on twitter. I don't have the same taste in books as this person, however that persons strong dislikes made me believe something horrible was going to happen at the end of the book and that the author somehow dishonor the characters at the end.
That wasn't the case. Lesson learn not to believe in what everyone rants on twitter because we all have our own taste. Now going on with the book. It was really an amazing journey. I really loved the writing and how the characters developed during the story. When I read the second book and third I saw how much the character change from book to book. I like when characters evolve and this series did that right. I am not saying this book is completely perfect and that everything that was written about character is correct. It does have it's issues but some off those issues do make sense. It makes sense. The characters would act certain ways reflecting the way they were brought up to. It's interesting to see the gender roles during the whole novels also. We see that the female is the person with power. As I read I saw that the females are way stronger than the male characters in the story. They handle the hardship and think ahead. While the male characters are weak and think they can handle everything when in reality they can't. I liked that the female characters can stand up for themselves and they are the one that out think a lot of the characters. I could instantly see the flaws of the male characters and see how they reflect with every single other fantasy novel. Which was refreshing. It makes the story seemed even more aware of itself and the problems in some fantasy novels.
I recommend to push through the first book because I understand that it's a slow start and it also has it's issues with the main character, but the second one is so good. It's completely different than what you would expect. Kelsea's development is the best one I believe in the story. You see how she grows from an isolated environment to being thrown into a word were she has to rule a kingdom. She is such a strong character in the later books and you see the sacrifice she must do to ensure the safety of her kingdom.
The ending of the series just kept me thinking and made me feel so much emotions for the characters and the world. I did want more but at the same time I like the unknown of the future of this world. It was an ending that I didn't expected which was also amazing and breeze of fresh air because I don't read a lot of books with an unexpected ending. Most of the books that I have been reading have a predictable. Hope you guys give this series a try. I really enjoyed it.
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